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Huaxi Roxburgh Rose Glutinous Rice Wine

Updated: 2019-05-24


Huaxi Roxburgh Rose Glutinous Rice Wine [Photo provided to english.guiyang.gov.cn]

Huaxi Roxburgh Rose Glutinous Rice Wine, a kind of Huangjiu (yellow wine), was named after the scenery Huaxi. The wine is high in nutrients, including glucose and many vitamins, especially VC thanks to its nutritious roxburgh rose, a wild fruit in (mainly) Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan, and other provinces. 

Balanced in sourness and sweetness, the mellow rice wine can help eliminate fatigue, invigorate the stomach and spleen, enrich the blood, aid digestion, and even prevent cancer. It was exported in 1975 and has been widely accepted by foreign consumers, saying that it is better than Japanese rice wines and "the best in the banquet either as a hot or a cold drink".

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