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Profile of Huaxi

Updated: 2019-05-24


Huaxi District is located in the central part of Guizhou Province, east of Longli County of Qiannan Prefecture, west of Gui'an New District, south of Huishui County and Changshun County of Qiannan Prefecture, and north of Nanming district and Guanshanhu District. 

Located on the eastern slope of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and the middle section of the Miaoling Mountain, it is a typical karst area dominated by mountains and hills. It is a 17 river watershed between the Yangtze River system and the Pearl River system. The land area of the whole district is 964.14 square kilometers. The annual average temperature is 16.0 °C, the average temperature in winter is 7.0 °C, and the average temperature in summer is 23.7 °C. 

Huaxi district has jurisdiction over 4 towns, 5 townships, 18 communities, 122 villages and 52 neighborhood committees. According to data gathered from a 1 percent population sampling of Guiyang City in 2016, the resident population of the district at that time was 652,100, the birth population was 5,210, the inflow population was 48,747, and the outflow population was 9,268. There were 40 ethnic groups including Han, Miao and Buyi. 

The Miao and Buyi nationalities account for 77 percent of the minority population. Over the district's long history, brilliant ethnic culture and customs have been formed. For example, young men and women of the Miao and Buyi nationalities search for their soulmates through singing and dancing. On the fourth day of the first month of the lunar year, the Miao people hold a "Tiaodong" activity, and on the sixth day of the first month of the lunar year, there is a Lusheng song and dance party. 

Their Tiaohua activity endures from the sixth day of the first month of the lunar year to the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar year. The folk culture activities of Buyi endure from the ninth day of the first month of the lunar year to the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar year. The bullfighting competition and the Hougu Dance of the Miao nationality, and the embroidery, bamboo weaving, costumes, headwear creation, and Surnay music of the Miao and Buyi all have distinctive national characteristics. 

Huaxi district is known as the "Pearl of the Plateau" and is a famous scenic tourist area. It is best known for Shilihetan National Urban Wetland Park, the Confucius School, Huaxi Park, Tianhe Tan, Qingyan Ancient Town and Miaoxiang Gaopo. In 2010, it was selected as one of the ten most influential scenic spots in Guizhou. Tianhe Tan Scenic Area is a national AAAA tourist area and Qingyan Ancient Town Scenic Area is a national AAAAA tourist area. 

There are dozens of snack varieties in Huaxi, of which the most famous are Huaxi Feiwan and Wangji beef powder, Qingyan simmered pig feet, chili chicken, rice cake porridge, rice tofu, and pear glutinous rice wine. 

Huaxi is rich in scientific, educational and cultural resources. It is home to Guizhou University, the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, Guizhou Minzu University, Yatai Vocational and Technical College and other institutions of higher learning. 

The new Huaxi district, which integrates the advantages of the former Huaxi District and the Xiaohe Economic Development Zone, has already realized optimal allocation of various resource elements and of the industrial structure and expanded the regional economy. It is the industrial economic zones in Guiyang with the fastest economic growth and the greatest development potential. 

Huaxi District has successively won the national titles of National Ecological Demonstration Zone, National Agricultural Products Processing Demonstration Base, National Civil-Military Integration (Equipment Manufacturing) High-tech Industrialization Base, National New Industrialization Industry Demonstration Base, National Electronic Commerce Demonstration Base, National Recycling Transformation Demonstration Pilot Park, among others. 

Guiyang China The People's Government of Guiyang Municipality. All Rights Reserved.
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